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Insurance Consulting

Sublime Health SolutionsInsurance Consulting


Are You Collecting The Most Revenue Per Patient?

Consulting On Insurance Verification and Benefit Payout

An area of treatment that not all people understand is the verification of benefit and billing for services to the insurance companies. This is where the most dollars are lost within the addiction space. As you would imagine, it is a twofold approach that is needed, and this is where Sublime Health can help you.


The first step in ensure a quality ROI with each admission is understanding what the specific policy will and won’t cover for treatment. On-top of that, what is the daily payable rate for each level of care, IE, Detox, Residential, PHP, and IOP. Without understanding these basics, you could take a policy that pays under your minimum, placing you in the red for that specific client.

Our consultants will work with you to identify this and will help you hire and train staff to manage this process for you. As this is an extremely important part of the recovery business, you want to keep this in-house as best you can.


Sadly, there are a lot of “billing” companies that have come over to the substance abuse space from standard medical billing. The issue is that those companies are used to working with primary care doctors which don’t really use substance abuse billing codes. This leads to miss-billings and collections. What we see a lot of is this. A billing company will take a percentage of the total collected amount from the insurance company. So, they have a vested interest in collecting as quickly as possible. This means that they will take 30% of what is owed to make a quick payout, rather than wait a few extra months and collect 70-80 percent of the bill.

Our treatment consultants will work with you and internal staff to ensure that everything is set up internally to be successful. This means hiring of a staff member to manage this process and train them on best practices to ensure maximum billing payout.

To learn more about how we can help your center increase billings or to ensure that your new center is set up for success, call us today.